Service of Installation

Saturday, 26th March was a very special day for First Dunmurry NSPCI. The Rev. Dr. David Steers was installed as our new minister by the Presbytery of Bangor. The service was attended by clergy from the denomination, from Dunmurry Churches Together and by visitors from far and wide, as well as our own church family.

Unfortunately, some plans had to be changed due to illness. The Rev. Stephen Reain-Adair, Moderator of the Presbytery of Bangor was unable to lead our service due to a positive covid test.  We wish him a speedy recovery and thank him warmly for all of the preparation work such a service requires. Our thanks also goes to the Very Rev. Robert McKee who acted as Moderator on the day.

The readings at the service were given by two church members Mrs Emma McCrudden and Mr Gilbert Cameron. Mrs Emma McCrudden read Psalm 121 and Mr Gilbert Cameron read from the Gospel according to St Luke chapter 6, verses 20-38.

The readings were followed by the Exposition of Presbyterian Church Order given by the Rev. John Herron and Questions to the Minister Elect given by Rev. Brian Moodie, Clerk of the Presbytery of Bangor. The Dr Rev David Steers then gave his Statement of Principles and Objects, which can be read here.

After questions to the Minister Elect and Congregation the Rev. Dr. David Steers was installed by the acting Moderator Very Rev. McKee and the Charge to the Minister and Congregation was given by the Rev. Dr. Heather Walker.

The hymns chosen for the service were ‘Be Still for the Presence of the Lord,’ ‘The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want,’ ‘Be thou my vision’ and ‘Guide me, O thou great Jehovah’ accompanied by our organist Mr Allen Yarr. Allen and Jack Steers also treated us to a wonderful rendering of ‘The Prince of Denmark’s March’ (Trumpet Voluntary) by Jeremiah Clarke.

We are all very mindful of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and it was decided that the retiring collection would go to the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. This at present stands at £450.

A copy of the Order of Service can be downloaded by clicking here and an audio recording is available to listen to by clicking here.

After the service everyone was invited to afternoon tea in the McCleery Hall, where conversation and speeches were enjoyed. We thank all those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to provide such a beautiful spread.

A very big thank you also to Mrs Elma McDowell who decorated the church and hall with wonderful floral displays including two glorious arrangements pictured below, in blue and yellow – the Ukrainian colours.

Rev Dr. Steers, the Session, Committee and Congregation welcome you Sue, Alison, Luke, Jack and Louise most warmly. We hope you all will be very happy for many years to come in Dunmurry.