On Thursday 23rd January 2020 Dunmurry, for a few hours, seemed to have become the centre of the world. More than four hundred people had gathered to pay tribute to our minister emeritus the Very Reverend William McMillan MBE, MA. Messages, cards and flowers came from Pakistan, Barbados, America, Australasia and Europe. Stories and reminiscences showed us all just how much the Rev Mac had touched the lives of people from all walks of life. As befitting the man who had earned the accolade as one of the world’s best flower arrangers the meeting house was tastefully decorated by his friends from NIGFAS with lilies, orchids, gerberas, roses, carnations, Irish bells and all sorts of greenery from Macs garden.
The service of Thanksgiving was conducted by the Reverend Doctor David Steers and the Moderator, the Right Reverend Chris Hudson and prayers were led by Father Sean McEvoy. The readings were Psalm 23 and verses from John 14 followed by two poems, Death by John Donne and Street Dancers by W B Yeats. The Rev Macs chosen hymns were ‘All my Hope on God is founded,’ ‘I’m not ashamed to own my Lord’ and ‘God of Grace and God of Glory.’ Our organist, Mr Allen Yarr, accompanied the singing and his choice of music before the service began was thoughtful and sensitive. The procession left the church to the lovely setting by John Rutter of the Aaronic blessing.
We in Dunmurry express our thanks to all those who came from far and wide to help Sheila, David, Alastair, Jane and Andrew and the church family to celebrate the life of the Rev Mac. We thank everyone who helped to prepare the church, the grounds and the refreshments which followed. In particular we would also like to thank the undertakers Elwood and Capper for their exceptional kindness, sensitivity and professionalism.
We remember with love and gratitude the service and commitment of the Rev Mac to this church which he so loved and served so faithfully and who in return was loved by all.